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stars_coglasso() was deprecated in favor of xstars() as the function name does not reflect properly the method it implements. The new function will also allow new memory-lighter and faster possibilities.


  stars_thresh = 0.1,
  stars_subsample_ratio = NULL,
  rep_num = 20,
  max_iter = 10,
  verbose = FALSE


cg <- coglasso(multi_omics_sd_micro, p = c(4, 2), nlambda_w = 3, 
               nlambda_b = 3, nc = 3, verbose = FALSE)
# \donttest{
# Deprecated, use xstars() instead. Takes around one minute
sel_cg <- stars_coglasso(cg, verbose = FALSE)
#> Warning: `stars_coglasso()` was deprecated in coglasso 1.1.0.
#>  Please use `xstars()` instead.
# ->
sel_cg <- xstars(cg, verbose = FALSE)
# }