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coglasso (development version)

  • Began the deprecation process of stars_coglasso(), renamed to the more accurate xstars(). Made also some implementation improvements to xstars() that made it faster.

  • Implemented select_coglasso() for handling all possible present (and future) model selection methods from a single wrapping function. For the moment it allows to perform model selection with either eXtended StARS, eXtended Efficient StARS (see below), or eBIC.

  • Implemented bs() a single wrapping function to build the multi-omics networks with coglasso() and select the best one according to the preferred model selection method with select_coglasso() in a single function call.

  • Implemented xestars(), performing eXtended Efficient StARS, a significantly faster and more memory-efficient version of XStARS.
    How much faster?
    In our tests, xestars() runs 80-90% faster than xstars(), even more in specific instances.
    What features make xestars() faster?
    First of all, the check for stability that in xstars() is performed after iterating throughout all the penalty parameters, here is implemented as a stopping criterion. Hence, less penalty parameters are explored, moreover usually are excluded those that lead to denser network (and so to longer network estimations).
    Second, the use of vectors instead of matrixes to keep track of the network variabilities makes the algorithm proceed faster, for the former are easier and lighter objects to deal with.
    Third, a new sampling strategy allows a the computation of as many correlation matrixes (the input to coglasso()), as the number of repetitions of the algorithm only once at the beginning of the algorithm. The original strategy performs this every time the algorithm switches from the selection of lambda_w to that of a lambda_b (which can happen several times). Especially for larger data sets, this consists a huge difference.
    What features make xestars() more memory-efficient?
    xestars() does not keep in memory for longer than strictly necessary the “merged” matrixes that store the average stability of each edge, without accumulating them as in the original xstars(). This, unless not explicitely requested by setting the parameter light to FALSE.
    How do xstars() and xestars() differ in results?
    The impressive increase in speed and more memory-efficiency comes with some minor costs.
    First of all, some objects returned by xstars() are not returned if not explecetely requested, and in general they come in a smaller amount (see question above).
    Second, the different sampling strategy may guarantee not only a faster, but also a fairer parameter selection, as they are all selected from the same subsamplings. This may lead to different selected hyperparameters between the older and the new methodology.

  • Created the classes coglasso and select_coglasso, with related print() and plot() methods. These former is returned when using coglasso(), while the latter when using any function that performs model selection as its final step (i.e. bs(),select_coglasso(), and all the model selection functions).

  • Created a plotting module. Now every function of the package that produces or selects a network generates an object that can be directly be plotted with plot().

  • Implemented a new version of the collaborative graphical lasso algorithm, now able to accept more than two omics layers. These new version, called general |D| version, is perfectly compatible with and as time consuming as the previous one when only two layers are given as input.

  • Began the deprecation process of the argument pX of the functions coglasso() and bs(), substituted by the argument p, that can take a vector with the dimensions of multiple omics layer, as now the package accepts more than two omics layers.

coglasso 1.0.2

CRAN release: 2024-04-03

  • Reformatted the Description field of DESCRIPTION file according to CRAN reviewer’s comments.

coglasso 1.0.1

  • Made the Description field of the DESCRIPTION file more explanatory and added the official reference to the main method in it.

  • Added the official reference to the main method in the README file.

  • Changed to in man/stars_coglasso.Rd.

coglasso 1.0.0

  • Initial CRAN submission.